Personal protective equipment greatly reduces the risk of serious workplace injuries and illnesses, and if an injury occurs, PPE can significantly reduce the severity of the injury.
With the evident health and safety benefits, it is important that workers are aware of PPE safety and their responsibilities regarding PPE. Management staff, employees, and contractors have a statutory and regulatory obligation to comply with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, the Code of Practice for How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks 2011 and the Code of Practice for Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at Work 2011.
The Personal Protective Equipment Procedure outlines the proper use and maintenance of PPE. It also includes the differences between permanent and casual employees concerning the provision of PPE, and it provides information on the types of PPE required for different tasks, such as:
- safety footwear
- high-visibility clothing
- eye protection
- hand protection, and
- hearing protection.
This procedure operates in conjunction with:
- 511 – PPE Issue and Replacement Form
- 500 – Accident, Hazard Report Form
- 502 – Hazard, Accident, Injury, Incident Investigation Form
- REGISTER – PPE Register