External Plant – Machinery and Operator Checklist Form 530


  • Complies with current regulations and legislation
  • Instantly downloadable document
  • Compatible with Microsoft Word and editable to add your brand logo and colours
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The Machinery and Operator Checklist Form is designed to help businesses ensure the safe and efficient use of their plant/machinery. Improperly maintained equipment can lead to serious injury or death.

The form must be completed and signed by the operator and supervisor before commencing work on site. It ensures that the equipment is safe to use, and that the operator understands the relevant safety procedures.

The checklist makes sure that:

  • the plant/machinery has been serviced and maintained regularly
  • safety inspections are carried out daily
  • a visual examination has been conducted by a competent staff member and supervisor, and
  • the operator has been instructed on the site safety rules and emergency procedures and has read the Plant Risk Assessment

The Machinery and Operator Checklist Form is a user friendly and customisable tool that helps businesses to maintain a safe and healthy workplace for its employees.

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