
Crucial for business growth and long-term sustainability… but how do you determine the initial steps to take?

In today’s business environment, maintaining a competitive edge requires more than just delivering high quality products or services, it requires an ongoing dedication to process management.
process improvement

The Challenges

While every organisation will have their unique challenges to business process management, there are some common hurdles that are frequently encountered.

Resistance to Change

“We do it this way because that’s the way it’s always been done.”

Overcoming resistance requires effective change management, clear communication, and fostering a culture of collaboration and shared ownership.

Time & Resources

“I don't have time for this.”

Constraints such as limited budgets, time, or expertise are often blockers to effective business process improvement. Investing in dedicated resources, training employees, or seeking external assistance can help overcome these limitations.

Resistance to Change

“I know it's a problem, but I'm not sure why or what the impact is.”

Investing in data collection systems, performance tracking, and analytical tools is crucial for informed decision-making and gauging success.

Our Proven Method

Our methodology to achieve project objectives and desired planning outcomes includes incorporating Lean Six Sigma business process management tools.

| Process discovery

We begin with a discovery phase in which data is gathered and processes are mapped out. The data and process maps are analysed to reveal areas where the process is failing.

| Process design

The process design phase is where problems and issues are dealt with, including facilitating end-to-end technical integration with internal and external systems for a fully optimised and improved digital process.

| Process implementation

This is where ‘the rubber hits the road’. Plans are executed and changes are made. Improvements are verified and the new process is documented with any required training rolled out.

Take a look at our case study to view our exceptional work!

98% decrease in customer complaints

“The outcome of our work was optimisation! This resulted in dramatically reduced processing timeframes for applicants, along with other benefits such as a more streamlined referral process, improved customer communication, and better handling across the organisation”.

Bar chart showing "Causal process deficiencies" as the highest concern with 67 counts, followed by "Poor system function" at 51, and other issues including "Poor information flow," "Lack of management," and opportunities for "Process Improvement.

"Effective process management assists businesses to meet compliance requirements, deliver high-quality products or services, and establish a reputation for reliability and professionalism".

A free 5-step guide to process improvement

Business process management is a crucial aspect of business growth and sustainability, however, it can sometimes be daunting to know where to start.

This 5-step guide aims to provide business process tools and tips to successfully embark on process improvement initiatives.

Previous projects

Don’t take our word for it! See the work we have completed!
The logo of Burwood Inc. features a colorful abstract emblem on the left and the text "Burwood Inc. 1874" on the right, symbolizing their long-standing commitment to process improvement.
Improved the performance of the council’s DA process by decreasing the number of steps required for a determination from 308 individual process steps to 48 process steps.
Logo of the City of Canada Bay featuring a stylized bird in green and blue with wavy lines below it, symbolizing process improvement, accompanied by the text "City of Canada Bay.
The outcome of our work was an optimisation of the council’s DA process from 296 steps to 35 steps to reach a DA determination, as well as improved internal communications and enhanced customer experience.
Logo of the North Central Catchment Management Authority featuring a stylized sun, green land, blue water, and the organization's name—symbolizing their commitment to continuous process improvement in environmental management.
A primary objective of our work was to improve the performance of their development application (DA) process. We achieved this objective by utilising our three-phased Improvement Model.
Text that reads "INNER WEST" written in a geometric font style, reflecting the area’s dedication to process improvement.
The result dramatically reduced processing timeframes from 286 steps to 54 steps to reach a DA determination, along with many other benefits for staff and stakeholders.
Sutherland Shire Council logo featuring text "Sutherland Shire" and an emblem with a portrait of a man, symbolizing the council's commitment to process improvement.
A primary objective was to identify and implement efficiencies for increased performance of their DA process and assist council to transition from manual systems to a digital planning system to enhance further efficiencies.
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