How to bid for government tenders

Before commencing the tedious job of applying for a Government tender, it is important to check that you are tender ready and to make sure that the tender you are applying for is a good fit for your business.

You need to consider how this tender will impact on your existing operations, whether you have the necessary resources available and whether you can meet their compulsory requirements.

Procure Spot has developed a tender readiness self-assessment checklist to help businesses ascertain and know their readiness to tender for government contracts. To determine your eligibility, click here to obtain your checklist.

How to find government tenders

Want to apply for government tenders but don’t know where to look? There are various paid and non-paid platforms that offer a comprehensive list of current and awarded tender information across different government departments and agencies that are available to the public.

Procure Spot have developed an AI platform known as Bidio that scrapes data from multiple websites to provide a centralized database with all relevant tender information. Visit to find out more.

Other ways to find and track government tenders are:

  • Government tender portals: Federal and state governments maintain online platforms where they list open tenders for all departments and agencies. Tender opportunities can usually be searched by keyword or industry.
  • Government department and agency websites: Federal and state government agency or department websites often provide information about open tenders. They typically link to the government tender portal but can be a quicker way of identifying open tenders for specific departments or agencies.
  • Tender notification services: Subscribing to tender notification services like Bidio is the most efficient way to stay updated with the latest opportunities. These services send alerts directly to your inbox, reducing the risk of missing out on lucrative tenders and eliminating the need to trawl government portals and websites for suitable tender opportunities.

How to complete a government tender document

Completing a government tender document is a meticulous process that requires attention to detail and adherence to guidelines.

The first step is to review the Request for Tender document carefully. Read through the entire document to understand the requirements, deadlines, and evaluation criteria.

The second step is to ensure your business meets all eligibility criteria and complies with the requested documentation as non-compliance can lead to disqualification.

The third step is to begin building your response. Most government tenders will have questions that businesses need to answer in order to demonstrate their suitability for the project. Make sure to complete all required sections and provide detailed but concise responses to each question.

The fourth step is to gather all the required documents, such as financial statements, certifications, and licenses. In addition to specific questions, most tenders will request documentation that shows a business’s capability to take on the project, whether that’s financial capability or industry-specific capability. Ensure your documents are well-organised and up-to-date so that the process of submission is straightforward.

Government tenders can be a gateway to business growth and stability. By learning how to find government tenders, complete the necessary documentation, and understand the tendering process, you can position your business to secure valuable government contracts.

Contact us at Procure Spot to gain valuable insights and assistance with preparing your next government tender bid.

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