Sustainability Policy (Construction) 117


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A sustainability policy outlines a business’s commitment to incorporating environmentally responsible and economically viable practices.

This simple and easy to use policy serves as a guiding framework to ensure that business activities align with sustainable practices, minimise environmental impacts, promote well-being and safety of employees, visitors and customers and contribute to long-term economic growth.

Key components of this sustainability policy are:

  • Acquiring appropriate materials that minimise waste,
  • Seeking environmental and socially responsible supply chain solutions,
  • Using mufflers and screening to decrease noise and vibration,
  • Ensuring material quantities are measured accurately,
  • Appropriate storage of liquids, and
  • Educating staff, customers and management on good environmentally sustainable practices.

A sustainability policy enables businesses to provide awareness and competency, training and education to all employees and ensuring environmental and sustainable procedures are communicated and implemented.

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