This procedure supports health and safety. It allows businesses to evaluate and improve their current procedures in place for reporting, investigating and recording workplace hazards, injuries and incidents. The procedure provides information and instruction to ensure that hazards, injuries and incidents involving employees, property and activities are reported, investigated and recorded in accordance with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 and other relevant legal requirements.
Incident reporting is important to ensure that affected employees can receive appropriate care promptly so that their condition can be resolved quickly. Hazard reporting is just as essential. Even though a potential hazard has not caused an injury, early reporting and investigation can significantly reduce the risk of someone being injured in the future.
The Hazard, Injury and Incident Procedure covers a wide range of topics, including:
- responsibilities of management, supervisors, safety officers, health and safety representatives, employees and safety committees
- reporting of hazards and incidents
- notifiable hazards and incidents
- dangerous occurrences
- environmental hazards and incidents
- general procedures
- workers’ compensation claims
- first aid injury report and procedure
- requirements to effectively complete an investigation
- procedure for completing an investigation
- corrective/preventive action
- review of hazard and incident reports by local safety committees
- post-event actions, and
- documented information.
This procedure is designed to be used with the following documents, forms and register:
- 503 – Workplace Safety Inspection Form
- 500 – Accident Hazard Report Form
- 501 – Injury / Incident Investigation Form
- 502 – Hazard, Accident, Injury, Incident Investigation Form
- 513 – Non-conformance Report
- 522 – Company and Personnel Details
- 520 – Risk Assessment Form
- 523 – OHS Meeting Form
- REGISTER – Injury / Incident Register